Los Angeles

HLAA Los Angeles

Supporting Hearing Loss In Los Angeles, CA

Hearing Loss Association of America is the nation’s largest organization for people with hearing loss. HLAA-Los Angeles is one of approximately 120 chapters nationwide and we share the mission of our National Organization. We work at the local level to open the world of communication through information, education, advocacy and support.

We want you to know that you are not alone.

Contact Los Angeles

Talk to our Los Angeles team and joining our free newsletter is the best way to stay in the know about resources for the hard of hearing and deaf communities. We share excellent webinars, policy and news updates, and special invites to local events in your neighborhood. 

Los Angeles Chapter celebrating Walk4Hearing
See Ya Pandemic!

The Los Angeles Chapter gets together for their first meeting IRL Leave it to HLAA-LA to live up to...

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Upcoming Events in Los Angeles

HLAA-LA chapter meetings are held online via Zoom meetings and presentations.

We meet the 4th Saturday of the month 9:30am – social, 10am-noon – meeting; potluck refreshments
(beverages provided by chapter), with some exceptions for holiday schedules and hospital events. Click here for a summary of our past meetings and our homepage for our calendar.

Chapter Officers

Wendi Washington


I am honored to be a member of the steering committee for the second time. I joined the Los Angeles chapter of HLAA in 2007, after meetng up with some of the members at the Long Beach Walk4Hearing. They were a friendly group and I felt comfortable right away. This chapter has made a tremendous difference in my life. I’ve gotten support, information, a convention scholarship and enjoyed many social occasions. I have also made some lifelong friends.
My bilateral sensorineural hearing loss started in elementary school as a mild loss. Over the years it got progressively worse. I started wearing one analog hearing aid when I began college. I now wear two BTE digital hearing aids to combat my severe to profound hearing loss. I am grateful that they are a huge help. I am also grateful for this chapter.

Valecia Adams


Valecia Adams is an entrepreneur, content creator, and hearing loss activist based in Los Angeles, CA. As the founder of Empower and Hear, a non-profit that advocates and provides resources for Women of Color affected by hearing loss, her goal is to raise awareness around hearing loss and its community members. Empower and Hear aims to improve livelihoods by confronting the challenges, stigmas and stereotypes of hearing loss through acceptance and education, resources, self-advocacy and most importantly, confidence building.
Valecia is a Certified Peer Mentor, graduating from Gallaudet University, an Emerging Leader Initiative Certificate as recognized by the Small Business Administration, and has been nominated for a HearStrong Champion award. When not coaching and creating content for hearing loss advocacy, Valecia is serving her community in various capacities and supporting her loving family of 4.

Rizwana Jmari


I am a normal hearing parent trying to raise my three years’ old daughter who has recently been diagnosed hard of hearing. In an arena which is totally new to me and often overwhelming, I have no choice but to swiftly become knowledgeable and understand the unique needs of my child. In her silent world, all I can ask is patience for I have so much more to learn. In a world made for the hearing, I cannot hide my fears for I know the journey won’t be easy. My joining HLAA-LA is a priceless experience, not only because it opens up my mind to a whole new reality but it also gives me the opportunity to contribute to it. I have been leading corporate marketing and communications for companies across diverse sectors. I hold a BSc (Hons) in Communication Studies with specialization in Journalism and an MBA. My family consists of my bicultural kids, husband and Xena, the chameleon.

Tim Browning


I have been a member of HLAA-LA since August 2014 looking for people who have similar stories to mine regarding hearing loss and challenges. I was born with hearing loss, moderate to severe, so the years growing up were challenging and set some assumptions in my mind regarding whom I thought I was and my worth. Through this chapter, I got more than I could imagine. Not just to hear the support and talk to people who “get it”, but just the profoundly wonderful individuals I’ve met. We are known as the “Party Group” after all! In my spare time, I enjoy fitness, movies, making breakfast dishes and smoothies and spending quality time with family, friends and my wife.

Georgia Fleischer

Hello everyone! I have been a member of HLAA-LA since it’s inception 15 years ago. I grew up with a hearing loss and wore hearing aids for 30 years. In 1994 & 2006, I received a cochlear implant so I am now a bi-lateral user. This chapter has been a ground breaker for me. I have made many life-long friends. The support & love shown is beyond measure. We are all at different levels of hearing loss. However, each and everyone is embraced. We are here for you! I was on the Steering Committee a few years ago for 4 years as Advocacy Chairman. I am now back on the Steering Committee doing just that, once again. I love advocating for our rights and accessibility!

Elaine Rohr

Sandy Blake

I heard about HLAA at the end of 2022, so I have only been attending meetings for a little over a year. But I would like to see the word spread about the LA chapter because I know of many who wear hearing aids and none are currently members.

Tori Carapelho

In 2021, I experienced sudden hearing loss, which was devastating. Life as I knew it underwent a profound transformation, and I found myself navigating an unfamiliar world of silence. During that time, there was very little support available within my community, and I felt alone and uncertain about what the future would hold.

Sharing my story with others revealed that many people faced similar struggles, often suffering in silence. This realization motivated me to create Hear 4 Hope, an organization dedicated to offering support, resources, education, and advocacy for those with hearing loss.

After meeting Wendi and Tim, and being introduced to the Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA), we were able to established the HLAA-Hawaii Group. I am honored to be a part of the HLAA-Los Angeles steering committee. I am incredibly grateful for the support and guidance offered by the LA-chapter, and I’m committed to giving back. I also hope to create opportunities for collaborative efforts in the future.


How You Can Advocate For Hearing Loss

Meet your representative

Attend a Meeting

Learn how to attend a district meeting when the representative is present.

Shaking hands with your representative

Plan a Visit

Know how to set up a visit with your representative.

Communicate with your representative

Contact Tips

Learn tips how to contact your representative with specific tips on email and letter writing.