Use Tech to Live Your Best Life!
Recent technology advances have made a huge number of hearing assistive technologies available to people with hearing loss. But how to find the products that can help you the most? The links below will help you understand the options and find your best fit.
Wading through all the amazing technologies that can help you hear better can feel daunting. So we’ve made it easier for you to identify the products that can help you live your best life.
The links below connect to The Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA) website which provides a rich and vast set of information, guidance and resources to educate you about the latest technologies.
Hearing Aids
Hearing aids are no longer a one-size-fits all solution. These highly sophisticated digital devices can be tailored to your specific needs. Click here to learn how to decide which option is best for you.
Over-the-Counter (OTC) Hearing Devices
This new category of hearing devices can offer cheaper and more varied hearing loss solutions, but the current regulatory climate means that users must be careful.
Cochlear Implants & Other Implantable Devices
For people who don’t get much help from a hearing aid, an excellent option is to get an implant. Here are the types of implantable devices that can change your life.
Hearing Assistive Technology
Even with hearing aids or implants, some hearing loss sufferers can still need help in specific listening situations — for example, in a conference room at work or in a busy restaurant. This section outlines your options.
Captioning and CART
For those with hearing loss, access to media can be improved with the simultaneous display of text while watching a program. This process is called captioning and is widely available on many forms of entertainment.
Phones & Mobile Devices
Can’t hear on the phone? Learn about the equipment that can keep you communicating effectively.
Auditory Training Programs
The brain is an important part of hearing. Click here to find training programs to improve your speech understanding.