HLAA Peninsula Chapter

Supporting Hearing Loss on The Peninsula

Welcome to Hearing Loss Association of America Peninsula Chapter (HLAA-Pen). Our mission is to improve the world of communication for people with hearing loss through

  • information
  • education
  • support
  • advocacy

Contact Peninsula

Talking to our Peninsula team, and reading our free newsletter, are the best ways to stay in the know about resources for the hard-of-hearing and deaf communities. We share excellent webinars, policy and news updates, and special invites to local events in your neighborhood. 

Upcoming Events

The HLAA Peninsula Chapter meets monthly on Zoom. Our meetings are fun, friendly, informative, and remarkably effective. There is always time for questions, and for discussing your problems with other members, who often have personal experiences relevant to yours that they will be glad to share with you. 

Please come and join us! Our meetings are free and everyone is welcome.

Chapter Officers

Co-President: Sally Edwards

Co-President: Bob Hall

Vice President Programs: Raegene Castle

Vice President Membership: Kate Szentkuti

SecretaryJaynie Kind

Treasurer: Eliot Terborgh

Newsletter Editor: Jaynie Kind

Chairman of The Publicity and Advocacy Committee: Ken Peters


How You Can Advocate For Hearing Loss

Meet your representative

Attend a Meeting

Learn how to attend a district meeting when the representative is present.

Shaking hands with your representative

Plan a Visit

Know how to set up a visit with your representative.

Communicate with your representative

Contact Tips

Learn tips how to contact your representative with specific tips on email and letter writing.