Debate kicked off last week on proposed legislation to update California’s decade-old Essential Health Benefits (EHB) package, which defines the benefits that must be covered through private insurance.
One of the biggest gaps in the California market is coverage for hearing aids. In fact, the hearing aid coverage gap currently affects over 20,000 children and youth in the state. Thirty-two states already have hearing aid coverage requirements for children and youth, but not California. Senator Menjivar sponsored a bill (SB 635) last year to fix this by imposing a new state mandate, but the bill was vetoed by Governor Newsom.
This year, two new bills have been introduced in the state legislature that present a historic opportunity for California to close the existing benefit by taking the steps to update the EHB benchmark allowed by the federal government. These bills mark the beginning of the stakeholder process for selecting an updated state Essential Health Benefits benchmark that would take effect in 2027 and could add hearing aid coverage as a benefit for both children and adults.
It is crucially important to move these vehicles through the process, while there is ongoing stakeholder engagement, actuarial analyses, and evaluation of the state’s benchmark options. The analyses will inform the details of how these bills will add hearing aids to the Essential Health Benefits package and for the state to obtain federal approvals.
- SB 1290 (Roth) will next head to the Senate Appropriations Committee.
- AB 2914 (Bonta) will be heard in the Assembly Health Committee on April 23rd.
TAKE ACTION! There are a few things you can consider if you feel strongly about this bill.
Organizations and individuals in support of legislative efforts to add hearing aid coverage can join a sign on letter here.
Both bills will have to go through both houses of the legislature before they can be presented to the Governor for signature in September. While the legislative vehicles work through the process, it is also important to call on the Administration to help expedite the analysis and actions needed to add hearing aids to the Essential Health Benefits package in 2027.