Despite the scorching heat, the 2024 HLAA Convention in Phoenix was a success. It was wonderful to greet people I hadn’t seen since 2018. The workshops were great and I came home with ideas for both our State Association and my Chapter.
There were more than 30 educational workshops, some of which were:
- Empowering cochlear implants users from appreciating music to talking with your surgeon and audiologist
- Exploring the emotional side of hearing loss
- Supporting children with hearing loss and their parents
- Advocating at the State level and for air travel
- Spreading the word via social media
- Understanding cybersecurity
- Practicing communication strategies through role-playing
One very popular one was the presentation by Dr. Cliff Olsen, Au.D., a practicing audiologist in Phoenix and a YouTube “star” – if you haven’t heard of him by now, look him up on YouTube. He talked about why he became so focused on “Best Practices” for audiologists. Look up this video.
Another one was the introduction to Low Energy Bluetooth. This new technology which is only a few years away from widespread use allow multiple users to connect with one Bluetooth source. As some of you may know, right now a Bluetooth signal can only connect with one device at a time and doesn’t have a very long range. LE Bluetooth will allow an auditorium of people to connect by just walking in the room. Right now we depend on hearing loops or other assistive devices to do this. My fellow NCHATT trainers were allowed to test out the devices with Auracast and it was amazing. I was able to walk down a long hallway, turn a corner and go 15 feet outside before the signal was fuzzy. This is an exciting new technology a long time in the development. However, it will require hearing aid companies to adapt their products to receive the LE signal and for venues to install the transmitters. We wait for the day!
Three special events were a Veteran’s Luncheon including Californian and Long Beach/Lakewood Chapter member Miryam Fernandez, first-time attendees orientation(several from CA) and a State/Chapter Leaders’ meeting.

At the Award Ceremony, two Californians received recognition: Jeff Chess as Walk4Hearing Volunteer of the Year and Sara Oser (North Bay Chapter) for Community Service.
The Exhibit Hall was packed most of the time. Vendors from the captioned phone companies, Innocaption (our very own Board Member Cristina Duarte), Sam Simon Foundation, cochlear implant companies, several assistive listening device booths, and informational tables as well.
Lastly, but definitely not least, we held a California GetTogether/Social Hour sponsored by our California State Association. We had almost 30 Californians in the room! Check out the photo below.

As you can tell, there was plenty for us to do. It was well worth braving the “oven” outside! The resort was beautiful and the hotel staff were so accommodating. I was impressed.
Next year’s HLAA Convention is in Indianapolis. June 12-14. 2025. Guess I’ll be celebrating my birthday there – along with all of you!